Decorative Silk-Screened glass for vision Areas silk-screening ceramic frit onto glass lets a designer create a subtle or bold look for a building-using patterns and color. Silk-screened glass also improves solar control performance. Using the same technology as spandrel glass, you can incorporate standard or custom colors into a specific design effects. In the past, white ceramic frit has been the predominant color used in decorative applications.
However, there has been an increase in the use of dark ceramic frits, such as neutral gray and black for a slighter, less noticeable look. These colors also help reduce reflection and offer alternative design options without adversely affecting performance. The first step in silkscreening involves washing the annealed glass. Then, the ceramic frit paint is applied to one side of the glass. Next, It is fired within a tempering furnace to create a permanent coating. The glass is always either heat stresses under sunlit applications. Rifai’s silk-screened decorative patterns can be combined with clear or tinted glass, as well as with high-performance coatings to reduce glare and decrease solar transmission.